The roller-coaster continues, lot is happening, the days fly by...


Simply no time this week to write to you. All basically was going fine till Tuesday, Daddy and Mommy were getting very tired. And well, I already told you about the mid-wives on the 2nd floor. They are very nice, but don't know a lot about preemies, let alone about me ;-) not much of help.

The doctors and nurses were trying to do too much, too soon, too fast. I didn't really like that, so very early on Wednesday they brought me back to the ICU.

Yay! Back to the friendly nurses and doctors that really know what they are doing. I got my old place back, and by now, after a few days they are in control and I feel much more comfortable.

Guess what?! Daddy figured out that I'm just two meters away from Mommy, as she sleeps almost straight above me :-) And Daddy's 'hand' is with me in my little house, that feels damn good.

Ah, yup, I AM growing!!!

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